Mesotherapy is a method of administering medications intradermally in very low doses, to achieve both a pharmacological effect and a physical stimulation effect.
Once armed with a patient’s the Baumann skin type indicatorscore, physicians are equipped with significant information that can assist them in treating numerous skin conditions and confidently recommending the most appropriate OTC topical skin care products for their patients.
Лечение акне у беременных может быть сложной задачей, так как многие варианты лечения противопоказаны или не рекомендуются. Для врача, назначающего терапию беременной, важно быть знакомым с ограничениями в лечении, принятыми FDA.
Rosacea is a common, chronic cutaneous condition that affects the face. Two topicals and one oral medication are currently approved for the treatment of rosacea, including azelaic acid, metronidazole, and sub-antimicrobial dose of doxycycline.
The story of this woman is a vivid example of how not to miss your chance and “make yourself.” Lydia Sarfati is a world-famous cosmetologist, owner of the Repêchage cosmetic line, a teacher at CIDESCO USA, a working mother and grandmother – and this is her path to success.
Doctors have found a way to manipulate wounds to heal as regenerated skin rather than scar tissue. The method involves transforming the most common type of cells found in wounds into fat cells – something that was previously thought to be impossible in humans.
What are the risks of applying gel polish under the cuticle? How can you protect yourself and your clients? What should you know about this technique, also called “edge-to-edge” application? This article will cover it all.
Correction of aesthetic and anatomic deformities of the neck due to aging is a complex proposition, and the planning and approach depends on the findings during your initial examination. Deep cervicoplasty is not for the occasional facial rejuvenative surgeon.
What procedures women used to go through to become more beautiful! Many of the devices for getting rid of various problems now look ridiculous and incomprehensible, but most of them are simply frightening!
Are expensive beauty products an homage to fashion or the expectation of an instant effect? Are they worth believing in, and are there really miracles in cosmetology? Learn to read the label.