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DERMA 2023: let’s celebrate spring together!

01.03.2023 - 01.03.2023

Venue: Ukraine, Kyiv, 6 Vadym Hetmana St., Mercure Congress Center conference hall, Cosmopolite shopping center, 5th floor

Organiser: : Estet; Ukrainian Medical Aesthetic Academy

About the Congress

Dear colleagues! On March 1, 2023, Kyiv will host a well-known, but at the same time updated congress dedicated to skin quality: DERMA (ex-PEEL)!

Traditionally, the scientific program of the congress will be headed by Anna Funikova.

What to expect?

  • 1 day of training in a modern congress hall;
  • 2 halls of the parallel program;
  • 40+ distributors of peels, mesotherapy, devices and cosmeceuticals;
  • 400+ specialists in the field of cosmetology and applied aesthetics.

Just like last year, the event will focus on 4 cosmetic tools in all their diversity:

  • peelings;
  • hardware technologies;
  • mesotherapy;
  • cosmeceuticals.

In the program:

About modern cosmetology practice:

  • Skin condition: how to diagnose a potential problem in time?
  • Individual approach: how to create the protocol that will be optimal for our patient?
  • Skin relief: what’s new in work protocols?
  • Devices and products for improving skin quality: how to combine?
  • Home care: what is important and new to recommend to patients?
  • Comprehensiveness as the main requirement of our time: how to do the most in one visit and not to harm?
  • Remote patient care: when can we help a patient remotely and when should we hand them over to a colleague?

About what helps a beautician in her daily practice:

  • An overview of devices for working with skin quality.
  • When and how do we stimulate collagen production?
  • HA and HAc – what is their role in skin turgor?
  • EAP+: what combinations are effective?
  • Peeling and lasers: what and when to choose or how to combine?
  • Easy rehabilitation after aggressive skin protocols: what should be prescribed for home care?

Join us and buy your ticket in time!

We look forward to seeing you on March 1, 2023 in Kyiv!


+380 67 440-28-74 Viber; +380 44 499-57-66; +380 67 007-57-66; +380 93 170-57-66; +380 50 076-57-66